Demo Tetris

Left or Right
Fast descent
Piece rotation
SPACEMaximal descent
Elapsed time : 0:00 Level : 1
Score : 0 Lines : 0


My project portfolio

Modeling epidemic spreading 2020 - 2021
Python PyGame Matplotlib Object-oriented programming
Simulation of an epidemic spreading using PyGame graphical interface in Python
Property valuation in Ile-de-France May 2019
Python Machine Learning Javascript API
Implementation of an interface to estimate the price of a property in the Ile-de-France region using machine learning
Maze robot 2017 - 2018
Arduino C Javascript Jquery Canvas
Construction of a robot that can leave a maze paired with a computer simulation of its movements
Tetris July 2020
Javascript Object-oriented programming
Realization of the famous tetris game in object-oriented programming
Sudoku solver July 2019
Backtracking Javascript Object-oriented programming
Sudoku solver using backtracking algorithm
Mastercolor 2016 - 2017
Arduino C Javascript Drag And Drop
Creation of a machine that detect a color paired with a computer simulation using drag and drop