Results analysis

Mask usage and lockdown impact

Mask usage

I carried out two simulations, one with a 40% transmission rate and another at 80% symbolizing the mask usage and the respect of barrier gestures.


I ran 10 simulations where I confined the population from 0% to 90% to see how the number of infected people evolve over time


Mask usage and lockdown have both an impact on the epidemic spreading. On the one hand, wearing a mask and respecting the barrier measures symbolized by the transmission rate has a reducing impact on the epidemic spreading, but not a significant one. On the other hand, a lockdown of more than 50% of the population seems to be very effective.

However, these results should be taken with caution because the modeling was done only on a population of 2000 people.


My project portfolio

Modeling epidemic spreading 2020 - 2021
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Property valuation in Ile-de-France May 2019
Python Machine Learning Javascript API
Implementation of an interface to estimate the price of a property in the Ile-de-France region using machine learning
Maze robot 2017 - 2018
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Construction of a robot that can leave a maze paired with a computer simulation of its movements
Tetris July 2020
Javascript Object-oriented programming
Realization of the famous tetris game in object-oriented programming
Sudoku solver July 2019
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Mastercolor 2016 - 2017
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Creation of a machine that detect a color paired with a computer simulation using drag and drop